Question :
When registering a trademark I must specify the classes, what are the classes?
Answer :
When registering a trademark you need to specify the products and services that will be associated with your trademark.

The large majority of countries of the world have adopted the International Classification of Nice. This system groups all products and services into 45 classes -- 34 for products, 11 for services -- permitting you to specify precise and clear classes covering your trademark.

The protection that is offered to a registered trademark covers only the classes specified at the time of registration, therefore, allowing two identical trademarks to coexist in distinct classes.

In our website, in the trademark registration page of each country (steps 1 and 2) we provide a helpful “Class Search” tool, which allows you to easily determine the classes your products or services are related to.

The following are the countries that do not use the International Classification of Nice: Bahamas, British Virgin Islands (UK), Canada, Eritrea, Jordan, Maldives, Sierra Leona, Thailand and Taiwan. Trademarks are registered providing the products/services description only. Since classes system is not used, there is no Class Search tool for these countries.

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