What are the registration requirements for .TF domains?
In order to register a .TF domain, the domain owner must be a company or natural person domiciled in the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.
If you do not meet this requirement, we can register the domain in the name of our local representatives and then make it available to you. This option has an additional cost (Trustee Service).
What does .TF stand for?
.TF represents the official domain extension or the internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of French Southern and Antarctic Lands. This ccTLD was introduced in 1997 and was intended for entities with connection to this territory. The .TF domain is rarely used by webmasters but is recently becoming popular to websites related to Team Fortress, a famous online game. AFNIC is the authorized body for carrying .TF domains. On the other hand, Marcaria.com is the accredited registrar where applications for this ccTLD are processed.
TF also stands for: Transformers, true friends, talent fee, time flies, technical foul, tuition fee, toll free, target finish, tax-free, transmission fluid, time of flight, task force, and tech fest.
Why register a .TF domain?
TAAF or French Southern and Antarctic Lands is known for being a French territorial possession. It is composed of the Scattered Islands, Adelie Land, St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands, Crozet Islands, and Kerguelen Islands. It is also known for its international abbreviation, TAAF, or “Terres australes françaises”. Its primary sources of national income are the fishing sector and the tourism industry.
Multinational companies and overseas investors are interested in TAAF because of its strong trade ties with India and France. It creates an easy gateway to cross invest in Europe and Asia at the same time. The territory also offers a stable political and economic condition which is an extremely important factor in making a business succeed in any country.
Before you invest in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, we suggest that you invest in a .TF domain extension. Understand the benefits of this ccTLD to your company by reading the short explanations below:
- .TF domain extensions add a professional image to your website. It shows that your brand name has affiliations to this territory which is necessary in order to penetrate the local online market.
- .TF domain extensions make your website more trustworthy. It shows that your company has the official documents to get approval to use this ccTLD. It also proves that your business has domestic operations in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands. This is important to establish trust with your customers.
- .TF domain extensions can optimize your website and help get a higher rank in local search engines. When your website’s URL address ends with (dot)TF, it will be picked by Google for all searches related to this territory and the keywords that you are targeting for your business. It may result to increased traffic coming specifically from TAAF.
- .TF domains can help in brand awareness. By adopting this ccTLD, you don’t have to explain to internet users that your website is dedicated to audiences in TAAF. They instantly understand that your content is created for a specific group of people. This is important to minimize excessive keyword stuffing which can result to Google penalties.