What are the registration requirements for .NI domains?
There are no requirements for these extensions.
.COM.NI or .NI:
In order to register in these extensions, the domain owner must be a company (from any country) and the domain name must match the company name.
What does .NI stand for?
.NI refers to the official domain extension or the internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Nicaragua. It is a primary ccTLD and is restricted to legal companies. A valid business license issued from the country where the company is operating is necessary to complete the registration process. On the other hand, secondary ccTLDs such as .web.ni or .co.ni are unrestricted. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Nicaragua) carries out the registry of this domain extension.
Aside from Nicaragua, NI is also used to define other things. It is a symbol for the chemical element Nickel. NI is also an acronym for Northern Ireland. Although not popular, NI also stands for noted item (military), or net import (commerce).
Why register a .NI domain?
Nicaragua is a developing country located in Central America. Its economy is primarily dependent on agricultural products and remittances. World Bank classifies Nicaragua as a low-income country considering its non-diverse economy and unstable inflation rate. However, the country is showing a robust economic expansion during the recent years. Foreign investments and increased household and private consumption contributed to the nation’s booming economy.
If your company is expanding in Nicaragua, buying a .NI domain website will help in so many ways:
- Register the exact brand name of your company. It is one of the legal requirements of this domain extension. Your business name is impossible to be registered by other people and only you can apply for registration since you have the documents. This is highly beneficial because the threat of identity theft or bad online reputation is minimized.
- Earn consumers’ trust and establish your company’s credibility. The legalities of the registration process can substantially increase customers’ confidence. They know that your business is 100% legal and there’s no reason for them to think twice about trusting the website.
- When users see the URL address with .NI, they know right away that it is dedicated to Nicaragua market. It automatically filters highly quality users for your website. It’s good for generating organic traffic so you don’t receive an influx of visitors that have nothing to do with your business.
- .NI is a premium internet extension that lets you register domain names for as short as 3 characters. Three-letter domain names in .COM or .ORG are being sold in the after-market for thousands of dollars or even half a million dollars, but you can register your trademark in .ni for a fair price.
- .NI is fast becoming a popular domain suffix in the internet. Register your company name today before your competitors register theirs.