What are the registration requirements for .PR domains?
Buying .PR domains has no restrictions and no legal documents are necessary.
What does .PR stand for?
.PR represents the official domain extension or internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Puerto Rico. The primary ccTLD is “.PR” while “.COM.PR”, “.NET.PR”, “.ORG.PR”, “.ISLA.PR”, “.BIZ.PR” and “.info.pr” are the secondary ccTLDs. If you have a business, .biz.pr is the domain suffix for you while .isla.pr is for individuals having presence in Puerto Rico. Registry for this internet code is operated by Gauss Research Laboratory Inc.
Aside from being used as Puerto Rico’s two-letter code, PR is also used in various ways. PR is used as acronym for People’s Republic (country), public relations (marketing), press release (news), page rank (search engine) and a lot more.
Why register a .PR domain?
World Bank and other reputable financial institutions classify Puerto Rico as a wealthy and high-income territory. It has the most competitive and steady economy in Latin America. The major driving force of its growing financial prosperity is the manufacturing industry specifically in the sectors of electronics, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals and textiles. Puerto Rico is not an independent country. It is a territory of the United States. In fact, American companies operating in the island are exempted from paying federal taxes.
Does your company want to expand in Puerto Rico? Having a .PR website makes an essential step for succeeding in this territory. A wrong domain address can drag your business down while the right one will be advantageous in many ways. If you’re planning to introduce your brand name to Puerto Ricans, a .PR domain name would be your best choice.
- .PR has secondary ccTLDs that can match your specific needs. If you want a company website, .COM.PR is the one you should buy. If the website is going to be network-oriented, .NET.PR is your ideal choice. Organizations can buy a .ORG.PR domain website to indicate that the website is for organizational purposes. Are you a private individual having a local presence in Puerto Rico? Then your best domain option is .ISLA.PR. If you intend to operate a digital business in this territory, register a .BIZ.PR. The point here is that you always have an option with a .PR suffix.
- A .PR domain will help boost organic traffic coming from high quality Puerto Rican leads. A customized domain extension such as “.biz.pr” automatically informs Google robots that your website content is intended for ecommerce or selling of products/services. This will naturally increase your website’s page rank for ecommerce-related keywords. When a user searches for a local online store in Puerto Rico, your website will likely be positioned in the first page of search results. This can substantially increase your sales and revenues while putting less effort in SEO or PPC.
- A .PR website will help your company in establishing a reputable image and credible brand name among Puerto Ricans. It shows a strong affiliation to their country and it also provides an impression of deep commitment in doing business in Puerto Rico.
- Choose a short and profitable keyword for your domain name. Because .PR is not yet too saturated, there are still opportunities to buy the exact name of your trademark or brand name for its regular price. If you choose to get a .com website, the domain name that you want may already be taken or maybe it is being sold at a premium price. In that case, a .pr domain name would be more affordable.