What are the registration requirements for .UA domains?
There are no requirements for these extensions.
In order to register in this extension, the domain owner must have a trademark in Ukraine, or a trademark in a WIPO member country that includes Ukraine.
What does .UA stand for?
.UA represents the official domain extension or the internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Ukraine. This ccTLD was introduced in 1992 and was intended for entities with connection to Ukraine. Hostmaster Ltd. is the authorized unit for carrying out the registry of .UA domains. On the other hand, Marcaria.com is the accredited registrar where applications are processed. A registered trademark is required in order to buy your own .UA domain website.
UA also refers to: user agent, user assistance, unavailable, user account, unattended, user area, underactive, ultimate adventure, urban area, user authentication, unarmed, United Airlines, user agreement, and unit of action.
Why register a .UA domain?
Ukraine is a country located in Eastern Europe and surrounded by countries like Russia, Belarus, Slovakia and Poland. The country is deeply influenced by its Orthodox faith as shown by their century-old churches and monasteries. It is classified by World Bank as middle-income economy with main sources of earnings from exports including petroleum, chemicals, metals and transport machineries.
Ukraine has strong trading ties with Russia. It may serve as an entry point for companies planning to penetrate the Russian market. Although the country is very large, transportation is not a problem as 270 airports are available throughout the region making logistics easy. Finally, Ukraine’s economy is diversified and there are plenty of opportunities for long-term investments.
Before you invest in Ukraine, it is recommended that you register your own .UA domain website. It can benefit your company in the following ways:
- .UA domain extension provides a professional way to introduce your brand name in the Ukrainian online market. It emphasizes your company’s connection with this country. This is an important aspect in brand promotion.
- .UA domain extension enables your company to engage in fair market competition in Ukraine. By adopting this ccTLD, you are also making a long-term commitment to operate within this country. This is essential in order to succeed in Ukraine.
- .UA domain extension makes your website more trustworthy. It is a proof that you have legit trademark rights to be able to use Ukraine’s international country code. When digital consumers trust your website, you can expect a boost in lead conversion rate and an increase in sales. This is necessary in order to maximize your earnings.
- .UA domain extension complements white hat SEO methods. Some webmasters are hesitant to register ccTLDs because they fear of getting penalized by Google and getting a low page rank. However, the opposite is actually true. ccTLDs like (dot)UA can help optimize your web page for the keywords that you are targeting.
- .UA domain extension is useful in building a customer base in Ukraine. Gone are days when website owners aimed to reach digital shoppers worldwide. Today, it is a smart choice to focus on a particular location. This ccTLD lets you focus your marketing efforts in Ukraine and as a result, you are able to avoid unnecessary work.