Is there a time frame for the trademark registration approval?
The average time frame for the registration approval is 16 months, if no objections or oppositions arise.
If I register my trademark in Lithuania, do I have protection in other territories?
No. The mark is protected only in Lithuania.
Do I need to sign a Power of Attorney?
Yes. A power of attorney is necessary to complete the application procedure.
Are there any benefits from a pre-filing use of the trademark?
The only benefit from pre-filing use of a mark is that it helps the applicant prove that he has been using the mark earlier than his competitors.
Will there be problems in case I don’t use my trademark after registration?
Yes. A registered mark that is not being used is vulnerable to cancellation of registration.
What are the types of trademark that can be registered in Lithuania?
Marks that are possible to recreate graphically and marks that will add distinction to a good or service are open for registration.
- Slogans
- Names
- Devices
- Words
- Colors
- Trade dress
- Shapes with 3 dimensions
- Holograms
- Sounds
- Anything that can be represented visually or graphically
What are the phases of application after a trademark has been filed in Lithuania?
The order of application process in Lithuania is as follows:
Examination – The examiners will take a look at the application and will judge it according to its:
- Formalities
- Clarity
- Classification
- Descriptiveness
- Deceptiveness
- Distinctiveness
Registration – If the application was approved in the examination phase, the trademark office will then issue the registration grant.
Publication – This phase makes the application particulars accessible to the public. This is also the time when filing of opposition case is open to third parties.
- Mark
- Applicant’s name, address, country of incorporation and citizenship
- Application number and date when it was filed
- Representation
- Priority Claim
What type of trademark is non-registrable?
The trademark law in Lithuania prohibits that following marks:
- Marks that are at odd with moral principles or marks that oppose public order
- Generic words or common terms
- Marks that use flags or names or symbols of an international organization or a nation/state/region
- Marks that are lacking in distinctive qualities
- Marks that use a famous person’s name and/or surname
Does Lithuania use the "Nice Classification" system?
Yes. Nice Classification is effective in Lithuania. A single application will allow the owner to use the trademark for multiple classes of goods/services.
Does the Community Trademark apply for Lithuania?
Yes. Lithuania is a EU (European Union) member and the Community Trademark registration takes effect in this territory.
Is there any possibility to claim priority in Lithuania?
Yes. The home filing date can be used by the applicant as the filing date in Lithuania if:
- Home country is a Paris Convention member
- Filing date in home country does not exceed 6 months from the filing date in Lithuania
- Home country is a WTO (World Trade Organization) member
- International registration can be based in Lithuania
What do I need to do to satisfy the use requirement?
For national registration, the mark must be used within 5 years from the date the certificate of registration was issued. For international registration, the mark must be used within 5 years from the date the protection was granted.
Once my trademark has been registered, for how many years will be valid?
The registered mark is valid for 10 years starting from the date of application.
What will be the renewal date of my trademark?
The trademark will be renewed 10 years from the date of filing the application.
Is it legal to use my trademark even if it is not yet registered?
Yes. It is legal to use a trademark for business even if it is not yet registered.