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Sri Lanka Trademark Registration 

Attorneys - Sri Lanka

My name is Kirthisiri Jayasinghe and I'm the representative Attorney in Sri Lanka.

I'll be personally in charge of your trademark registration process.
Contact Us

Your trademark registration will be processed in Sri Lanka through the following steps:

Trademark Comprehensive Study   Step 1. Trademark Comprehensive Study:
A trademark search report with attorney's analysis and opinion about registration probabilities.
Step 1 Prices

Trademark Registration Request   Step 2. Trademark Registration Request:
A trademark attorney will file and process your trademark application before the Trademark Office.
Step 2 Prices

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How many applications should I file?

    The answer to this question depends on the characteristics of your mark, your budget and the scope of protection that you would like to have in Sri Lanka.

    If your trademark contains distinctive verbal elements (text) as well as design elements (graphics or logos) and you wish both to be protected, our recommendation is to file two trademark applications; one to protect just the verbal elements (the application will be filed as “Word Mark”) and another to protect just the design elements (the application will be filed as “Combined Mark”).

    In this case, proceeding with two trademark applications has the following advantages:

    1. Broader and stronger protection. If a third party files a “Combined Mark” with very similar text to yours but different design, their “Combined Mark” could be accepted for registration if you only filed a “Combined Mark” and not a “Word Mark,” because in its entirety the third party’s mark is still considered different from yours.
    2. You will be protected if your logo evolves. It is common for companies to change the design of their logo with time. If you file a “Combined Mark” and not a “Word Mark,” your new logo will not be protected. You must use your trademark exactly as registered; if you don’t, your trademark may be subject to cancellation.
    3. Effective verbal and graphics protection. Filing a “Word Mark” application provides greater flexibility to use your mark in different ways, whether it is presenting it in stylized text or presenting it with different designs (as long as they are not too similar to registered trademarks that belong to third parties). At the same time, filing a “Combined Mark” allows you to protect the design elements of your mark.

    If your trademark also contains a slogan or a distinctive design symbol, we suggest you file a specific application for each, as this will give you additional protection.
